
Report Income

The Income Report for IR 2022, referring to the 2021 fiscal year, must be requested directly from the Responsible Bookkeeping Bank, according to the channels listed below:

Starting this year, in addition to sending the Reports via Correios to investors, they will also be available to investors on the portal https://correspondenciasdigitais.com.br/login

Itaú Account Holder

Directly through the website www.itau.com.br, in the Current Account menu> Income Tax Declaration> Shareholder Income Report.

Itaú non-account holders

On Itaú Corretora’s website at Portfolio www.itaucorretora.com.br > Bookkeeping of Shares> Income Statement.
If you do not have a registration, access the “Non-account holder” tab and click on “I want to register”.
The consultation will be available after creating the login, password and activation of the registration.

Exclusive Investor Service

(11) 3003-9285 (capitals and metropolitan regions)
0800 7209285 (other locations)
On weekdays from 9am to 6pm

Exclusive Service for Income Tax

Portal https://correspondenciasdigitais.com.br/login
E-mail i[email protected]
0800 7200014 (other locations)
On weekdays from 9am to 6pm.