

The Company’s debt instruments and the debt profile as of March 31, 2024 are shown below:


Gross Debt by Index (%)

Total Gross Debt: R$6.5 billion

Gross Debt Amortization Schedule (R$ million) 

Debt Instruments (R$ million) 

Issuance Gross Debt
(R$ milhões)
Index Spread Amotization Maturity
Auren Energia 405.6
1st Debenture
405.6 CDI 1.48% Bullet Dec-24
CESP 2,062.8
11th Debenture 154.3 CDI 1.64% Annual from December 2022 dec/25
 12th Debenture 1,908.5 IPCA 4.30% Annual from August 2028 aug/30
Ventos Piauí I 703.3
BNDES 555.4 TJLP 2.16% Monthly from July 2018 jun/34
1st Debenture 147.9 IPCA 5.47% Bullet jun/24
Ventos do Piauí II e III 1,753.1
BNDES 1,753.1 IPCA 4.56% Monthly from December 2022 mar/45
Ventos do Araripe III 993.5
Repass 355.8 TJLP 3.15% Monthly from February 2018 dec/29
BNDES 444.5 TJLP 2.49% Monthly from February 2018 jun/35
1st Debenture 193.2 IPCA 6.99% Half-yearly from July 2018 jul/32
Sol do Piauí 95.5
BNDES 95.5 IPCA 3.65% Monthly from May 2024 nov/44
Sol de Jaíba 459.4
BNB 1st tranche 287.9 IPCA 5.27% Monthly from October 2024  sep/46
BNB 2st tranche 171.5
Total 6,473.2

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