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Questions? Complaints? Suggestions? Talk to us! This is a direct communication channel with Auren, aimed at your satisfaction and our commitment to our shareholders.
Frequently Asked Questions
The common shares issued by Auren Energia are traded on B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcão (B3) under the ticker symbol “AURE3”.
To access relevant information about Auren Energia, simply register on our Investor Relations portal and use the ‘Sign up for Mailing’ tool. This feature allows you to receive email notifications containing a variety of information, such as Material Facts, Shareholder Announcements, Market Releases, and more.
As outlined in our Dividend Policy, we comply with the legal provisions of the Brazilian Corporate Law (Lei das S.A.) and our Bylaws, distributing at least 25% of the net income for the fiscal year to shareholders. There is no predefined frequency for these distributions, meaning they can occur quarterly and/or annually, with prior notice given to the market.
For a more in-depth understanding of our dividend policy, we invite you to visit the following link: Dividend Policy.
To buy or sell shares issued by Auren Energia, or shares of any publicly traded company listed on the stock exchange or organized over-the-counter market in Brazil, you must contact a trusted brokerage firm. For shareholder security, publicly traded companies are not allowed to recommend specific intermediaries for share transactions.
B3 (the Brazilian Stock Exchange) provides a comprehensive list of all brokerages authorized to offer intermediation services for buying and selling shares in the capital market. You can find more information and access this list directly on B3’s website.
To automatically receive bank statements detailing your shareholding position and the dividends distributed by the company, it is crucial to keep your shareholder registration up to date with the share registrar bank responsible for the shares issued by the company in which you hold ownership.
Investors with updated banking information in their registration, whether they are account holders of the registrar bank or other banks, will automatically receive dividends on the company’s stipulated payment start date. Additionally, they will be notified through a Credit Notice for Dividends.
It’s important to emphasize the necessity of updating your registration data, as established by Article 287, Item II, of Brazilian Corporate Law No. 6,404/1976, which states that the right to claim dividends expires three years after the date they are made available to the shareholder.
To request a shareholding position statement, you must contact Itaú Escrituração.
Below are Itaú’s contact details for investor support:
- Email: [email protected]
- Phone: (11) 3003-9285 – Investor Support Team